Monday, June 18, 2012

Celebrating You!

Yesterday,  Leah and I celebrated Father's Day by sitting in the Monterey sun at a local coffee shop.  It helped to remind me that there is much to be grateful for including ourselves.  A lot of my energy is used thinking and observing ways to "improve" myself.  Whether it's by remebering to call parents or friends, staying on top of my finances, eating better, getting more sleep, or whatever it might be for me at that moment, I tend to forget to be grateful for what already is and has come to pass.  So, today, I'm grateful for me!  I invite you to look in the mirror and thank yourself for being.

PS  I found this version of us singing Winter on the Great Divide on Youtube.  Xmas in June!

Friday, June 8, 2012

I've always wanted to (blank) !

What do you dream of for yourself?
For us it's simple: Bring Joy and Love into the world through authentic living & MUSIC!  Whether it's playing in a magnificent concert hall where musical greats have performed or in a living room where the kids celebrated a birthday party last week, we are truly grateful to be living this dream.
No dream is static.  And no dream is fulfilled in a vacuum.  We witness time and time again the generosity of people.  Houses, cars, money, food, laughter, babysitting, instruments...we believe there is nothing that people won't give from a generous heart.
Many have asked, "how have you done it?  Nine months on the road with two children under five?"  Simple.  All of YOU!  Our friends, family and co-experiencers.
We've been told by hundreds that we are loved and supported and to just ask if we need anything.  So, we recently jotted down some ideas before we head out again.  Things that help us to keep following our hearts' passion.
Fill in the blank for yourself today.  I've always wanted to ________ !  And see how quickly life acts to support you in bringing joy and love into the world.  Thanks! email: 
Travel: By Minivan - Oil Changes, Tires, Gas
            By Air - Frequent Flyer Miles, Private Jet
Kids: Activities and books   Food: We love homemade and organic, any contacts to Whole Foods...
Purchasing CDs for your friends or Hosting a House Concert

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You are worthy of Good!

Holding up in California for the past two months has taught us a few things.  First, don't limit how good can come into your life.  Next, expect the unexpected.  Lastly, see the first lesson!  Pete has gotten out on the beach to surf, has helped carry halibut from a spear fisherman and gone whale watching.  While, Anne keeps writing more beautiful songs, has ridden a horse and shops regularly at one of the three local farmer's markets.  Check out our evening sunset view over Monterey Bay and this amazing cake from a recent house concert!  Remember, you are worthy of good!